About ICIDS 2020
The International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) is the premier conference for researchers and practitioners in game narrative and interactive storytelling, including the theoretical, technological, and applied design practices. The annual conference is an interdisciplinary gathering that combines computational narratology, narrative systems, storytelling technology, and humanities-inspired theoretical inquiry, empirical research and artistic expression.
ICIDS 2020 will be hosted by the Department of Creative Technology of Bournemouth University (Bournemouth, UK).
ICIDS 2020 will include invited speakers, research and practitioner presentations, art exhibits, workshops, tutorials, and a doctoral consortium. This year’s conference will be built around the central theme of “Interactive Digital Narrative Scholarship” - this builds upon a recurrent issue in recent years of the conference which has sought to define the methodologies, scholarly, and scientific basis of Interactive Digital Narrative as an academic discipline. We hope to build upon this discussion as we continue to define the discipline of interactive digital narrative scholarship, anchor the community around it, and rigorously refine the terminology, theory, and methodologies within our field.
Update March 9th - Calls for Papers/Submissions now Live!:
- Main Track Research Papers - Summary - Full Call Document
- Creative Exhibition - Summary - Full Call Document
- Workshops - Summary - Full Call Document
- Demos - Summary - Full Call Document
- Doctoral Consortium - Summary - Full Call Document
Update June 5th - Main conference deadline extended
Following the disruption to all of us from the continuing COVID19 pandemic we have decided to grant an extension to the main conference deadline of 2 weeks. This means research papers (for all tracks), posters, demos, and creative exhibition entries are now all due on the 26th June. To provide some certainty to you all we can confirm that this will be the only extension - but hopefully this extra 2 weeks will give us all the time we need to get our work together for the conference. We are looking forward to your submissions.
Update August 10th - Conference Going Fully Virtual
As per the full announcement below ICIDS is now a fully virtual conference in response to the COVID19 Crisis. Details of how the virtual conference will be delivered will be posted here as our plans develop.
Key Dates
Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline | |
Main Submission Deadline Research Papers, Exhibition Submissions, Posters, Demos | |
Main Submission Notification | August 7th |
Doctoral Consortium Submission Deadline | September 13th |
Workshops | 3rd November 2020 |
Conference | 4th November - 6th November 2020 |
ICIDS 2020 will now be a Fully Virtual Conference
ICIDS 20 Fully Virtual Announcement 10th August 2020
Hello again ICIDS - I and the rest of the ICIDS 20 team hope you are all keeping well and safe in this difficult time. We are here today to announce that ICIDS 2020 will, in response to the COVID19 Crisis, be going full virtual.
This was a difficult decision for us to make - as we greatly value our physical event - but sadly the situation remains very uncertain with regards to the crisis improving by November prompting this decision. Both myself and Hartmut are working directly with the other chairs now to ensure a quality virtual conference that covers research papers, keynotes, discussions and a virtual exhibition.
We are still not certain how this will impact costs and registration fees - the conference still has costs we need to cover - however we can assure the community that we will be formulating a conference fee that fairly represents the value of the event and the costs involved.
We've recieved some excellent submissions to the conference this year and can't wait to share this exciting new work with you all and discuss the exciting questions facing our field in 2020. We look forward to welcoming you, virtually, to ICIDS 2020 in November.
ICIDS 2020 will have a keynote speakers opening each of the 3 days of the main conference with a talk from a leader in our field:
November 4th

Ian Livingstone CBE
Chairman Sumo Group plc
November 5th

Kate Pullinger
Professor of Creative Writing and Digital Media at Bath Spa University
November 6th

Mark Bernstein
Eastgate Systems Chief Scientist
Interactive Digital Narrative Scholarship
ICIDS is the premier conference for researchers and practitioners concerned with studying digital interactive forms of narrative from a variety of perspectives, including theoretical, technological, and applied design lenses. The annual conference is an interdisciplinary gathering that combines technology-focused approaches with humanities-inspired theoretical inquiry, empirical research and artistic expression.
A recurring theme has emerged in recent editions, as the community has sought to define the methodologies, scholarly, and scientific basis of Interactive Digital Narrative as an academic discipline. For this 13th edition, the special theme of the conference is: Interactive Digital Narrative Scholarship
The main research track of ICIDS 2020 covers research from 4 areas:
- Narrative Systems: covering technological research from narrative AI to authoring tools. Track Chairs: Fred Charles and Sarah Harmon.
- Interactive Narrative Theory: exploring narratological models and literary approaches. Track Chairs: Anastasia Salter and James Cole.
- Interactive Narrative Impact and Applications: describing the impact of interactive narrative of society and novel applications. Track Chairs: Valentina Nisi and Catia Prandi.
- The Interactive Narrative Research Discipline and Contemporary Practice: presenting new philosophies and methodologies. Track Chairs: Sandy Louchart & Henrik Schønau Fog.
ICIDS 2020 has accepted a range of 36 works accross these themes including full and short research papers, posters, and technical demos. Details of when these works will be discussed during the conference can be found in the schedule below and the full contents and the works themselves can be found in the proceedings.
Specific details on the topics covered in the four areas, submission types, and the submission process can be found in the original Call for Papers document.
Creative Exhibition
Texts of Discomfort
The ICIDS 2020 Exhibition is now open and available through the exhibition site
The ICIDS 2020 Art Exhibition offers a range of exciting artwork on the theme of Texts of Discomfort. The exhibition is available to the general public free of charge and will be open soon and available digitally through this website.
For registered delegates at ICIDS as well as access to the exhibition we also offer the opportunity to sign up for interactive performances of two of the works and to discuss the works in "meet the author" sessions during the conference. The interactive performances available are as follows:
- Tuesday November 3rd @ 9pm (GMT) - The Evidence Chamber (Performance 1)
- Wednesday November 4th @ 9pm (GMT) - Fantasy Spoils: After The Quest
- Thursday November 5th @ 9pm (GMT) - The Evidence Chamber (Performance 2)
The details on the original call for submissions for the exhibition can be found in the Call for Submissions document.
The deadline for workshop and Demo proposals has now passed - the calls themselves can be found here for workshops and for demos.
ICIDS 2020 will have 3 workshops running alongside the conference on November 3rd. Please consult the individual workshop sites for details on how you can get involved with these workshops and any publication/submission processes they may have. Our workshops, and their websites, are:
Authoring for Interactive Storytelling 2020 - AIS'20 - http://narrativeandplay.org/ais
Organisers: Alex Mitchell, Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Ulrike Spierling
Authoring, its tools, processes, and design challenges remains a key issue for the Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN) research community and this year for the AIS workshop series we will be taking the conversation a step further than we have previously. We propose to form an edited volume titled "The Authoring Problem" - this book will collect together perspectives from the ICIDS community on the challenges facing IDN authorship research. This year's AIS workshop will be used as a starting point for a discussion on this volume - we invite you, our community, to submit proposals in the form of extended abstracts that capture your key perspectives as active researchers in the field on "The Authoring Problem" as you see it.
Transformative Experience through Interactive Narratives - https://sites.google.com/view/transformative-experience
Organisers: Christian Roth, Elisa D. Mekler, Nick Bowman
"The right stories can open our hearts and change who we are" – according to Janet Murray, interactive narratives can reflect our contemporary conception of the world as multiple and enacting stories, which enables the exploration of multiple instances from different perspectives. This personal transformation is crucial for the success of commercial, artistic, and serious applications alike. The goal of the workshop is to explore the role of transformation in interactive narratives, and the tools at our disposal to design for and evaluate the impact of transformative experiences. The workshop will consist of four units, in which the participating experts will present, discuss, and build on their collective knowledge to create a better understanding of how interactive narratives can lead to transformation.
Methods in Interactive Narrative Pedagogy: Cardbased Prototyping – 2020 - http://interactivenarrativedesign.org/icids2020ws/
Organisers: Hartmut Koenitz, Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari, Christian Roth, Teun Dubbelman,
Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen, Tonguc Sezen
We invite participants to our half-day workshop on paper-based prototyping for interactive digital narratives. Participants will learn how to apply a structured approach to prototyping, using purpose-made cards. In the process of developing a prototype, participants will get to know several card-based formats and through their feedback will help us to improve the card sets.
Doctoral Consortium
ICIDS 2020 will host a doctoral consortium where PhD students can present their research projects and plans to a panel of experts from the community and get feedback. The doctoral consortium will take place alongside the conference in dedicated sessions for presentations and discussions.
Students interested in applying to be part of the doctoral consortium should submit an application to icids-dc-2020@interactive-storytelling.com before midnight (AoE) on 13th September 2020. This application should include:
- A short paper of 4 pages in LNCS format describing your research, initial results, and plans.
- Your CV (1-2 pages)
- A 1 page statement of expected benefits of participating in the Doctoral Consortium
- A letter of support from your supervisor (1 page maximum)
Further details and advice on a successful application can be found in the full Call for Participation document.
Journal Special Issues
Elsevier Entertainment Computing: Special Issue on Interactive Digital Storytelling
ICIDS 2020 is very pleased to announce that, in co-operation with the Elsevier Entertainment Computing journal, we will be editing a special issue attached to the conference. Entertainment Computing: Special Issue on Interactive Digital Storytelling will be inviting selected works and authors from ICIDS 2020 to submit extended versions of their papers for publication as full articles in this upcoming special issue after the end of the conference.
Further details on this special issue will be forthcoming soon.
ICIDS 2020 awarded several prizes to exceptional pieces of work submitted to the conference. The main prizes awarded are as follows:
- ICIDS 2020 Best Paper - £400 awarded to the best full paper submission to the conference.
- ICIDS 2020 Best Student Paper - £400 awarded to the best full paper submission to the conference with a registered student as first author.
- ICIDS 2020 Best Short Paper - £200 awarded to the best short paper submission to the conference.
Best Paper: Gated Story Structure and Dramatic Agency in Sam Barlow’s Telling Lies - T. M. Gasque, Kevin Tang, Brad Rittenhouse, Janet Murray
Runner Up: GFI: A Formal Approach To Narrative Design And Game Research - Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera, José P. Zagal, Michael S. Debus
Best Student Paper: The Case For Invisibility: Understanding And Improving Agency In Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch And Other Interactive Digital Narrative Works - Anna Marie Rezk, Mads Haahr
Runner Up: Letters To José: A Design Case For Building Tangible Interactive Narratives- Daniel Echeverri, Huaxin Wei
Best Short Paper: When The Fourth Layer Meets The Fourth Wall: The Case For Critical Game Retellings - Steven Sych
Runner Up: Toward A Block-based Programming Approach To Interactive Storytelling For Upper Elementary Students - Andy Smith , Bradford Mott , Sandra Taylor, Aleata Hubbard-Cheuoua, James Minogue, Kevin Oliver, and Cathy Ringstaff
Best Reviewers:
- Paulo Bala
- Rogelio E. Cardona-rivera
- Max Kreminski
- Mattia Thibault
- Erica Kleinman
- Jonathan Rowe
- Nicole Basaraba
- Domitile Lourdeaux
- Elin Carstensdottir
- Mariet Theune
Conference Schedule
Schedule of events for ICIDS 2020 from Tuesday 3rd November through to Friday 6th November. We appreciate the timing pattern may seem unusual - this is designed to respect the timezone differences in a virtual international conference, and ensure the maximum ammount of the ICIDS community can engage with the conference at reasonable local times.
All Schedule times are listed in Local Time UK Time (GMT London)

Workshops Welcome
A welcome session setting out our day of workshops - combined with the following break this session will give time for everyone to connect, make introductions on Discord, and get settled in for the main sessions.

Lunch Break/Workshop Connection

Workshops Session 1
Workshops are detailed on their own websites:

Coffee Break

Workshop Session 2
Workshops are detailed on their own websites:

Dinner Break

Evening Social

Evening Performance: The Evidence Chamber (Performance 1)
If you wish to take part in this online participatory narrative, please email the exhibition team at ICIDS2020arts@gmail.com by Friday 30th October, specifying the date of the performance you wish to attend. If you sign up, please make sure you attend so you do not spoil the experience for others or deprive others of a place.

Conference Welcome
A Welcome to ICIDS and introduction to the plans and specifics of the conference.

Research Presentations: Narrative Systems 1
Session Chair: Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera
- Crafting Interactive Narrative Games with Adversarial Planning Agents from Simulations - Chris Miller, Mayank Dighe, Chris Martens and Arnav Jhala
- Towards the Emergent Theatre: a Novel Approach for Creating Live Emergent Narratives using Finite State Machines - Craig Paul Green, Steve Gibson and Lars Erik Holmquist
- A Novel Design Pipeline for Authoring Tools - Daniel Green, Charlie Hargood and Fred Charles

Lunch Break

Posters and Demos Session
A session dedicated to the perusal of demos and posters, as well as discussing the work with the authors. Posters and Demos are available on the virtual content site and each author will be available for Q&A in the listed table on discord:
Accepted Posters:
- Table 1: Twine and DooM as Authoring Tools in Teaching IDN Design of LudoNarrative Dissonance - Jonathan Barbara
- Table 2: Towards Design Strategies to Support Children’s Narrative Writing Through Enactment - Niloofar Zarei, Francis Quek, Sharon Lynn Chu and Sarah Anne Brown
- Table 3: Towards Gestural Specificity in Interactive Digital Literary Narratives - Serge Bouchardon
- Table 4: How to Create Magic in VR? - Agnes Karolina Bakk
- Table 5: Tale of T(r)ails: The Design of an AR Comic Book for an Animal Welfare Transmedia - Mara Dionisio, Paulo Bala, Sarah Oliveira and Valentina Nisi
Accepted Demos:
- Table 6: Honey, I'm Home - An Adventure Game with Procedurally Generated Narrative Puzzles - Lilian Morgan and Mads Haahr
- Table 7: A Natural History Museum Experience: Memories of Carvalhal's Palace - Turning Point - Vanessa Cesario, Sandra Olim and Valentina Nisi
- Table 8: Ares 2036: Exploring the Space of Rapid Prototyping for Transformative Interactive Storytelling - Christian Roth and Julie Dacanay
- Table 9: The Story Maker - an authoring tool for multimedia-rich interactive narratives - Ektor Vrettakis, Christos Lougiakis, Akrivi Katifori, Vassilis Kourtis, Stamatis Christoforidis, Manos Karvounis and Yannis Ioanidis
- Table 10: Using Reverse Interactive Audio Systems (RIAS) to Direct Attention in Virtual Reality Narrative Practices: A Case Study - Aletta J. Steynberg
- Table 11: Tell a Tail 360o: Immersive Storytelling on Animal Welfare - Paulo Bala, Mara Dionisio, Tania Andrade, and Valentina Nisi
- Table 12: Digital Narrative, Documents & Interactive Public History - Tristan Revells and Yuzhu Chai

Research Presentations: Interactive Narrative Theory 1
Session Chair: Frank Nack
- *GFI: A Formal Approach to Narrative Design and Storygame Research - Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera, Jose P. Zagal and Michael S. Debus
- *The Case for Invisibility: Understanding and Improving Agency in Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch and Other Interactive Digital Narrative Works - Anna Marie Rezk and Mads Haahr
- *When the Fourth Layer Meets the Fourth Wall: The Case for Critical Game Retellings - Steven Sych
- What might an action do? Toward a Grounded view of Actions in Interactive Storytelling - David Thue

Coffee Break

Keynote: Ian Livingstone
Session Chair: Charlie HargoodLife is a Game
Ian will give an entertaining and visual account of his struggles as an entrepreneur in the 1970s when he and Steve Jackson set up Games Workshop and launched Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer in Europe. He will detail the history and process of writing the multi-million-selling Fighting Fantasy gamebook series including his own best-selling Deathtrap Dungeon. From analogue to digital, he will give a brief history of computer games, past, present and future, detailing how ‘digital’ has transformed customer habits and business models, expanding video games from a niche market to a global mainstream entertainment industry. He will also talk about the importance of having Computing on the National Curriculum to promote creativity, computational thinking and problem solving – meta skills for the digital age – and how the ‘power of play’ and games-based learning will be used at the Livingstone Academy, Bournemouth due to open in 2020.

Exhibition Session 1
This a session dedicated to give attendees time to peruse the exhibition and engage with the exhibits. In each of the 3 exhibition sessions a selection of authors will be available for "meet the author" discussions in Discord. For this session the following authors are available for discussion on the following tables:
- Table 1: Alex Saum - Corporate Poetry
- Table 2: Elizabeth LaPensee - When Rivers Were Trails
- Table 3: Andy Campbell - Digital Fiction Curios
- Table 4: Abraham Falcon - Holy Fire
- Table 5: Dan Barnard - The Evidence Chamber
- Table 6: Hui-Yin Wu - Through the Eyes of Women in Engineering
- Table 7: Steven Sych - Menu New Game Plus
- Table 8: Mark C. Marino - Fantasy Spoils: After the Quest

Dinner Break

Evening Social

Evening Performance: Fantasy Spoils: After The Quest
If you wish to take part in this online game, please email the exhibition team at ICIDS2020arts@gmail.com by Friday 30th October, If you sign up, please make sure you attend so you do not spoil the experience for others or deprive others of a place.

Doctoral Consortium
Session Chair: Ulrike Spierling
The doctoral consortium is an opportunity for PhD students to get feedback on their doctoral plans from a panel of experts in their field. Access to this session is by invitation only - please contact the doctoral consortium chair for queries. Selected Students:
- Daniel Cox
- Giulio Mori
- Juncheng Wang
- Miranda Verswijvelen

Research Presentations: Narrative Systems 2
Session Chair: Mads Haahr
- Embedded Narratives in Procedurally Generated Environments - Thomas Lund Nielsen, Eoin Ivan Rafferty, Henrik Schoenau-Fog, and George Palamas
- User Testing Interactive Web Documentaries: An Empirical Study and Work for the Future - Nicole Basaraba, Owen Conlan, Jennifer Edmond and Peter Arnds
- Digital Storytelling in a Web of Things Application - Mortaza Alinam, Luca Ciotoli, Frosina Koceva and Ilaria Torre

Lunch Break

Exhibition Session 2
This a session dedicated to give attendees time to peruse the exhibition and engage with the exhibits. In each of the 3 exhibition sessions a selection of authors will be available for "meet the author" discussions in Discord. For this session the following authors are available for discussion on the following tables:
- Table 1: Serge Bouchardon - Loss of Grasp
- Table 2: Ofer Getz - Temporary
- Table 3: Antonio Ramos - Bairro 112
- Table 4: Carina Westling - The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp
- Table 5: Lissa Holloway-Attaway - PATTERnINGS

Research Presentations: Interactive Narrative Impact and Applications
Session Chair: Hartmut Koenitz
- Capturing User Emotions in Interactive Stories: Comparing a Diegetic and a Non-Diegetic Approach to Self-Reporting Emotion - Sarah Anne Brown, Cheryl Resch, Vanessa Han, Srividya Vaishnavi Surampudi, Pratyusha Karanam and Sharon Lynn Chu
- Interpretive Play and the Player Psychology of Optimal Arousal Regulation - Matthew Higgins and Peter Howell
- *The Procedural Nature of Interactive Digital Narratives and Early Literacy - Cristina Sylla and Maite Gil
- *Vim: a tangible energy story - Skye Doherty, Stephen Snow, Kathleen Jennings, Ben Rose, Ben Matthews and Stephen Viller

Coffee Break

Keynote: Kate Pullinger
Session Chair: Jim PopeAmplified Publishing
Digital technologies have fostered the proliferation of new platforms for publishing. The rise of voice activation, the audio boom, and video streaming, alongside new
virtual, augmented, and mixed reality environments means that content creators across multiple sectors from traditional publishing to the games industry face both challenges to existing business models and opportunities to reach new audiences. In this talk Kate Pullinger will draw on examples from her own work as well as a new R&D programme she is leading in order to explore what publishing means in the 21st Century.

Research Presentations: Interactive Narrative Theory 2
Session Chair: Sam Brooker
- Weird and Wonderful: How Experimental Film Narratives can inform Interactive Digital Narratives - Chris Hales
- How Do I Restart This Thing? Repeat Experience and Resistance to Closure in Rewind Storygames - Alex Mitchell and Liting Kway
- Dramatic Narrative Logics: Integrating Drama into Storygames with Operational Logics - Kenneth Tan and Alex Mitchell

Dinner Break

Evening Social

Evening Performance: The Evidence Chamber (Performance 2)
If you wish to take part in this online participatory narrative, please email the exhibition team at ICIDS2020arts@gmail.com by Friday 30th October, specifying the date of the performance you wish to attend. If you sign up, please make sure you attend so you do not spoil the experience for others or deprive others of a place.

Exhibition Session 3
This a session dedicated to give attendees time to peruse the exhibition and engage with the exhibits. In each of the 3 exhibition sessions a selection of authors will be available for "meet the author" discussions in Discord. For this session the following authors are available for discussion on the following tables:
- Table 1: David Thomas Henry Wright - Data Souls & Most Powerful Words
- Table 2: Mez Breeze - V[R]ignettes & Perpetual Nomads
- Table 3: Jason Nelson - The False Ulimited

Research Presentations: IDN Research Discipline and Practice
Session Chair: Lissa Holloway-Attaway
- *Archiving Interactive Narratives at the British Library - Lynda Clark, Giulia Carla Rossi and Stella Wisdom
- *Gated Story Structure and Dramatic Agency in Sam Barlow’s Telling Lies - T.M. Gasque, Kevin Tang, Brad Rittenhouse and Janet Murray
- Circuits, Cycles, Configurations: an Interaction Model of Web Comics - Alessio Antonini, Sam Brooker and Francesca Benatti

Lunch Break

ARDIN General Meeting
Session Chair: Hartmut Koenitz
An opportunity to catch up on the progress the Association for Research into Digital Interactive Narrative has made over the last year and have your stay in ARDIN's direction for the coming year.

Research Presentations: Narrative Systems 3
Session Chair: Sarah Harmon
- *Letters to José: A Design Case for Building Tangible Interactive Narratives - Daniel Echeverri and Huaxin Wei
- *A Systematic Analysis of User Experience Dimensions for Interactive Digital Narratives - Ashwathy T. Revi, David E. Millard and Stuart E. Middleton
- *Toward a Block-Based Programming Approach to Interactive Storytelling for Upper Elementary Students - Andy Smith, Bradford Mott, Sandra Taylor, Aleata Hubbard-Cheuoua, James Minogue, Kevin Oliver and Cathy Ringstaff

Coffee Break

Keynote: Mark Bernstein
Session Chair: David MillardWhy Do We Study Interactive Digital Stories?
As we stand amidst disease and devastation, the study of interactive stories might seem superfluous or mercenary. The first generation of interactive literature has offered us brief glimpses of beauty, but it has blighted democracy and facilitated villainy. Nonetheless, though we sometimes forget, interactive digital stories offer us our first, and perhaps our only, chance to argue with minds that are not entirely human.

Panel Debate: Building the Discipline of Interactive Digital Narratives
Session Chair: Anne-Gwenn Bosser
The aim of this panel is to continue the conversation on how to build the discipline, to look beyond ICIDS for inspiration and advice, and to invite a broad section of the community to become involved. Our panelists represent the long view of Interactive Digital Narrative as a discipline, both in terms of its history and relation to other disciplines and its long term future and preservation. In addition they propose new initiatives to capture the knowledge of the discipline and create new community resources.
Moderated by David Millard and Anne-Gwenn Bosser
Panelists: Hartmut Koenitz, Mark Bernstein, Chris Martens, and Giulia Carla Rossi

Conference Close and Awards

Dinner Break

Evening Social
Virtual Conference
Virtual Conference format, access, and details
A Virtual Conference
As explained in our video announcement above ICIDS 2020 will be a virtual conference. This is in response to the COVID19 crisis as we seek to ensure the event safe for all our delegates. Participants (assuming a stable internet connection) that have registered will recieved details on how to connect to the various sessions that will make up the conference from paper presentations, to keynotes, a virtual exhibition, and other sessions. We will clarify the software and format of this closer to the event but every step will be taken to ensure free and easily accessible applications are used to access the conference.
Virtual Formats and how to Connect to the Conference
ICIDS 2020 will be delivered predominently through Zoom and Discord. However, the website, YouTube, and Vimeo will all have lesser roles to play as well.
Delegates will be given access to a Discord server for the conference. This server will act as our asynchronous hub for the conference, where registrants can introduce themselves, discuss the issues facing the conference, and socialise. The main conference sessions will be conducted using Zoom and a link to these Zoom sessions will be provided to delegates through the Discord server.
For main conference papers this year we are using the virtual format to experiment with new ways of conducting sessions. Authors will prepare an upto 20 minute video in advanced of the conference presenting their work which will be available to all registrants a week before the conference. These videos will serve as their main presentation and we will all be encouraged to view these in advance of the actual sessions. Then, during the timetabled session the authors will each give a shortened 5 minute live presentation of their work to remind us all of the work and summarise its key points before we engage with a live debate and discussion of the work in the session. This way we maximise the live time available at the conference to debate and discussion rather than passive presentation viewing.
The exhibition will provide links to demoable versions of the work and videos of the artists presenting their work and explaining their creations. This will be coupled will dedicated time tabled persusal sessions for the exhibition during which a rota of the artists will be available in video chat sessions on discord to answer questions and discuss their work. The Demo and Poster sessions will also be delivered in a similar way to this.
Other sessions at the conference such as the Doctoral Consortium, Workshops, Welcome sessions, and Keynotes will all be handled in ways similar to this as well. Principally using Discord as a hub for conversation and hosting live presentation and debate sessions using Zoom.
Conference Organization
ICIDS 2020 is brought to you by a dedicated organisational team of chairs, and a programme committee of expert reviewers.
Conference Chairs

Charlie Hargood
General Chair

Anne-Gwenn Bosser
Co-Programme Chair

David Millard
Co-Programme Chair

Jim Pope
Co-Creative Chair

María Cecilia Reyes
Co-Creative Chair

Dene Grigar
Publicity Chair

Alex Mitchell
Proceedings Chair

Sam Brooker
Workshop Chair

James Ryan
Demo Chair

Ulrike Spierling
Doctoral Consortium Chair

Christos Gatzidis
Special Issue Chair

Hartmut Koenitz
Co-Virtual Chair

Rebecca Rouse
Co-Virtual Chair

Sarah Brown
Co-Virtual Chair

Vedad Hulusic
Local Chair

Huiwen Zhao
Local Chair

Fred Charles
Narrative Systems Track Co-Chair

Sarah Harmon
Narrative Systems Track Co-Chair

Anastasia Salter
Interactive Narrative Theory Track Co-Chair

James Cole
Interactive Narrative Theory Track Co-Chair

Valentina Nisi
IDN Impact and Applications Track Co-Chair

Catia Prandi
IDN Impact and Applications Track Co-Chair

Sandy Louchart
IDN Research Discipline Track Co-Chair

Henrik Schønau Fog
IDN Research Discipline Track Co-Chair
Conference Programme Committee and Assistance
Research Papers Programme CommitteeSasha Azad - North Carolina State University
Sojung Bahng - Monash University
Ágnes Karolina Bakk - Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
Paulo Bala - Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Jonathan Barbara - Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education
Matthew Barr - University of Glasgow
Nicole Basaraba - Trinity College Dublin
Mark Bernstein - Eastgate Systems, Inc
Tom Blount - University of Southampton
Beth Cardier - Sirius-Beta
Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera - University of Utah
Elin Carstensdottir - University of California Santa Cruz
Miguel Carvalhais - Universidade do Porto
Deborah Castro - Erasmus University Rotterdam
Marc Cavazza - University of Greenwich
Chiara Ceccarini - University of Bologna
Vanessa Cesário - Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI/LARSyS)
Ronan Champagnat - L3i, Universite de La Rochelle
Yun-Gyung Cheong - SKKU
Marianna Ciancia - Politecnico di Milano
Nuno N. Correia - University of Greenwich, ITI/LARSyS
Chris Crawford - Storytron
Mara Dionisio - Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Maria José Ferreira - Universidade de Lisboa
Mark Finlayson - Florida International University
Joshua Fisher - Georgia Institute of Technology
Christos Gatzidis - Bournemouth University
Andrew Gordon - University of Southern California
Daniel Green - Bournemouth University
Dene Grigar - Washington State University
Jessica Hammer - Carnegie Mellon University
Brent Harrison - University of Kentucky
Catherine Havasi - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lissa Holloway-Attaway - University of Skövde
Clare J. Hooper - Ayogo Health Inc.
Vedad Hulusic - Bournemouth University
Dennis Jansen - Utrecht University
Akrivi Katifori - University of Athens
Geoff Kaufman - Carnegie Mellon University
Andrew Klobucar - New Jersey Institute of Technology
Hartmut Koenitz - University of Amsterdam
Max Kreminski - University of California, Santa Cruz
Quinn Kybartas - McGill University
Bjarke Alexander Larsen - Aalborg University
Boyang Li - Baidu Research Institute
Vincenzo Lombardo - Dipartimento di Informatica
Domitile Lourdeaux - Université Technologique de Compiègne
Ilaria Mariani - Politecnico di Milano
Chris Martens - North Carolina State University
Alex Mitchell - National University of Singapore
John Murray - University of Central Florida
Frank Nack - University of Amsterdam
Valentina Nisi - University of Madeira
Michael Nitsche - Georgia Institute of Technology
Sandra Olim - Madeira Interactive Technology Institute
Ethel Ong - De La Salle University
Federico Peinado - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Andrew Perkis - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Antonio Pizzo - Università di Torino
Jonathan Rowe - North Carolina State University
Sabrina Scuri - Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Digdem Sezen - Istanbul University
Jesse Smith - University of California
Ulrike Spierling - RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
Alina Striner - Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Adam Summerville - Cal Poly Pomona
Nicolas Szilas - TECFA-FPSE
Mariet Theune - University of Twente
Mattia Thibault - Tampere University
David Thue - Carleton University
Emmett Tomai - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Romana Turina - Arts University Bourneouth
Stephen Ware - University of Kentucky
Mark Weal - University of Southampton
Hui-Yin Wu Université de Côte d'Azur Inria
Nelson Zagalo - University of Aveiro
Huiwen Zhao - Bournemouth University
Demos Programme Committee
Morteza Behrooz - Facebook
Louis Castricato - Georgia Tech
Swen Gaudl - University of Plymouth
Nick Junius - University of California, Santa Cruz
Stephanie Lukin - U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Mark J. Nelson - American University
James Ryan - Carleton College
Ben Samuel - University of New Orleans
Exhibition Programme Committee
Agnes Bakk
Mara Dionisio
Simon Duflo
Chris Hales
Pia Tikka
Stella Wisdom
Doctoral Consortium Panel
Alex Mitchell
Paolo Petta
Student Volunteers
Chris Ferraris
Samantha Schafer
Sarah Brown
Alisa Ryabova
Agnes Bakk
Conference registration is now open through eventbright using the following options.
Standard Registration - Early Bird
Registration for non-student attendees before end of 2nd October 2020 UK Time
Student Registration - Early Bird
Registration for student attendees before end of 2nd October 2020 UK Time
Standard Registration
Registration for non-student attendees after end of 2nd October 2020 UK Time
Student Registration
Registration for student attendees after end of 2nd October 2020 UK Time
Student Volunteers
Students may apply to be student volunteers and assist with the running of the conference through our student volunteer scheme. Selected applicants will spend part of their time assisting with conference business in exchange for a waiver of their registration fees. Students interested in applying to be a volunteer should consult The Call for Volunteers Document and submit their application as described therein by midnight AOE at the end of Wednesday 23rd September.
Contact Us
For all queries regarding ICIDS 2020 please contact the following chairs
Research Paper queries
Co-Programme Chair
David Millard
Exhibition queries
Co-Creative Chair
Jim Pope
Workshop queries
Workshp Chair
Sam Brooker
Demo queries
Demo Chair
James Ryan
All other queries
General Chair
Charlie Hargood
ICIDS 2020 is endorsed and/or sponsored by the following organisations